Saturday, June 7, 2014

Night Paddling at Lake Higgins

I've loved kayaking for a few years now, but I'm limited because I have to rent kayaks. Luckily the Greensboro City Lakes all rent kayaks. However it can get a little old going to the same place every I switched it up and went at a different time.

The Greensboro Lakes offers Night Paddling every Weds from May through August. This week's paddle on June 4 was at Lake Higgins (my favorite lake).

At first it wasn't so different because the sun was still out. We got one really good pic.
Cyrus Paddling!

But then the sun started going down behind the trees and picture taking got a lot harder.

The critters were out in full force as night fell and they all had a song to sing....a very annoying song. Like karaoke at last call annoying.

But overall it was so peaceful out there at night. I highly recommend paddling at night at least once.

Glow stick for safety!

The cost for the night paddle is the same as during the day: $15 for a single kayak rental. You can get a guided tour if you'd like. Nobody chose a guided tour. I later saw the guide paddling on a SUP, which are now allowed on the lakes, although they're not for rent.

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