Monday, December 7, 2015

PTA Graduation

As I look through my old posts I saw this one about my fears of starting PTA school. I can't help but smile since I am graduating in 5 days. PTA school had its terrifying moments but I have conquered every one of them and come out stronger than I ever thought I could be.I never got anything below an A on practicals, I never got below a 75 on exams, I lived through videotaping in the 3rd semester and "shirts off" days in lab that first semester and I've enjoyed my time with my "family" (we became that close) of 13 other PTA students. I have been class historian so I took pictures and videos throughout the entire program and am making a photo book after graduation.

First and last day of PTA school. Aug 2014/Dec 2015

There's a line at the end of that old post that says "I hope I come back to this post a year and a half later, after graduation, and laugh at myself." Well, I'm not laughing because it really was a hard and scary program. But I'm smiling BIG because I did it.

Graduation Day with my family

 Walking across that stage

1 comment:

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